as scaled; original recipe ^1 Finishing Time: Attention Time: Elapsed Time: Prep Time: Proceed with Caution. Scaled by ^2 to make ^3 (normally makes ^0). Scaled to serve ^2 (normally serves ^0 to ^1). Scaled by ^2; normally serves ^0 to ^1. Reference: "^0" (^1), Page #^2. (when the recipe has any). (when visible). Makes ^0. Serves ^0 to ^1. Credit: ^0. ^0, ^1, Page ^2. Compatible Recipes: Ratings: Categories: A brief description of the recipe appears here Any compatible recipes are listed here Rating Scales go in this space Your Categories Here Freeform notes about the recipe appear here Recipe instructions look like this Ingredient list appears here Recipe yield shown here The recipe's source goes here Recipe Title Goes Here